
*本次活動和RISC-V Taipei Day一起合辦,報名DVCon Taiwan即可以參加9/10-11兩天所有的活動

Once you registered, the ticket can be used to attend both DVCon Taiwan and RISC-V Taipei Day on 9/10-11.



The registration is opened till 10am on the event day. We cannot guarantee enough lunch box for on-site registration.


Remember to get your lunch coupons at the registration counter on both days.

  • 繳費資訊 Payment Information:
  1. 本活動使用T-KI售票系統售票,請在台灣門號手機下載T-KI app並註冊購票
  2. 報名兩日和報名一日價錢相同,建議選擇9/10-9/11,兩日皆有精彩活動並提供餐食
  3. 購票完成後,T-KI app<我的票劵>可以看到票劵,並攜至會場報到
  4. 報名費收據將在現場報到櫃台發放,若有收據問題,請於9/20前洽,逾時恕不補發
  5. If you cannot use the system above to pay, please email us after you registered, we will help you finish your payment at the venue.
  • 活動資訊 Activities:

好康一: Vote for the Best Presentation


Offer 1: Vote for the Best Presentation Before 4:30pm on 9/10


9/11中午可兌換限量DVCon Taiwan 紀念袋

Offer 2: Share your feedbacks and Get a DVCon Taiwan Conference Bag
Limited to the first 100 redemptions at 12:10pm on 9/11




Offer 3: Join us from start to finish to win grand prize
Participate in the Lucky Draw in the afternoon on 9/11 and find out all the fantastic offers at the booths