Title: Enable power-aware UPF emulation on Palladium
This session will be presented in Mandarin
Unified Power Format (UPF) or IEEE 1801 is a standard format by IEEE for specifying all design and technology-related power constraints for low-power chip.
To achieve completed verification of power architecture and low-power functionality, MTK has realized the engagement of power structure on Palladium especially on unplugged products. With strong debugging capability of Palladium, UPF compilation and related verification on emulation environment became very easy. Palladium models the supply network, power off-on, corruption, isolation, and retention in the emulation netlist image, which is generated from the RTL files and 1801 files.
Speaker 1: Nan-Shing Lee, Senior Technical Manager of MediaTek
Nan-Shing Lee is responsible for MCU Design Verification at MediaTek. Currently, focus on emulator methodology and MCU subsys platform integration and verification.
Speaker 2: Cheng-Yuan Shueh, Cadence, Principal Application engineer
Cheng-Yuan Hsueh is responsible for Palladium support at Cadence. Currently, Focus on UPF low power feature evaluation, engagement, realization and verification.